Friday, July 24, 2009

god damnit, well, it will be better for fun

Once again...

The sweet system setup seems to always miss chicago. but what a night, here are some sweet radar shots.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Spaceships Rule

I am posting my appreciation for the brave men and women of the space age, on this the 40th anniversary of the first man on the moon. Thank you for all of the technology and innovation that you helped spark.

Everything is better with Bacon!

So, as supreme leader of this blog, i here by declare that everything that is eaten can be improved by simply adding bacon. do it for your mouth.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Strike that

So, i decided that it is not on me, but on the haters of the world. fuck the haters of the world and i will keep up with spreading the love.


man, you know when you're doing good and you know when you're doing bad, and i am having a streak of bad that has been long coming. Need to stop with the bullshiting and get down to business, for starts. well, all i can hope for is that it will all come together soon, everything is replaceable and all starts are at least a start.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


123456789 day is today, weird.